2024 Collegiate Career & Community Leader Mixer (Student)

College Students: Free (Must register & have student ID)

We are providing students cost-free access that includes:

  • Opportunity to network with area professionals and students
  • Complimentary professional headshot photos
  • Resume / LinkedIn reviews
  • Pop-up mini workshops
  • Hors d’oeuvres and mocktail & cocktail bar (card only)
  • Exclusive access to the museum galleries

Additional Info

  • If you would like to take advantage of the Resume/LinkedIn reviews, please bring copies or be prepared to pull them up by phone (for review only).
  • Plan your outfit ahead of time if having your headshot photo taken.
  • Network with as many professionals (even those unrelated to your field of study) and students as possible to maximize your experience.
  • Enjoy free access to the Rock Hall museum spaces before and after the networking hour.